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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I volunteer if I'm in high school?

Yes! GIC is available to everyone – regardless of age, grade, profession, or anything else. Get started by signing up.

Do I have to be a student to volunteer?

No. Although our mission is to help students learn about energy in the real world, we want to make sure that our program is available to anyone that wants to join. So no matter your age or profession, you can get involved. Get started by signing up.

What exactly will I be doing?

As a GIC volunteer, you will complete our online training (after signing up), reach out to local businesses in your community, and then conduct an energy assessment for them using GEMS. You will walk through the business answering simple yes/no questions being asked by GEMS about the business and how they use energy. Then GEMS will automatically create a report for the business with recommendations to save energy. Get started by signing up.

Where will the volunteering take place?

Wherever you are! GIC is completely independent, meaning you pick the place and the time to conduct energy assessments for whichever businesses you want. You could help businesses in your own backyard, around campus, over the summer, or anywhere else you’d like. Get started by signing up.

How long do I volunteer for?

That’s up to you! You can decide to do it for one day, one semester, one year, or forever! It all depends on how much time you have and how many businesses you want to help save energy. Get started by signing up.

Can I count this towards my service hours?

Yes. However, GIC is not responsible for any forms required, you must complete any necessary forms on your own. Get started by signing up.

Helping students learn about energy while
helping small businesses save energy.

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Green Impact Campaign has given me the boost in skills and confidence I need to go out in the world and be a true sustainability leader.
Cara Blumenthal

Graduate Student, Sustainability Management