Sign Up Confirmation

Hooray! You’ve successfully signed up to be a volunteer!


We’re so thrilled that you’ve decided to join the growing movement of changemakers!

“I’m really excited to get started! What’s next?”

In the next 24 hours, you’ll be receiving an email containing your very own account information for GEMS, the energy assessment tool used by volunteers, as well as an option to schedule a call with GIC staff to go over any of your questions.

But first things first, get started by reading through the GIC Volunteer Toolkit (click the image below to download):


“How can I further connect with GIC and other volunteers?”

The best way to stay connected is by joining our community on social media:

Friend us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Connect with us on LinkedIn

 And be sure to join the GIC Volunteers Facebook page to connect with other volunteers, share ideas, and post questions.

Join the GIC Volunteers Facebook Group

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.