Kilowatt Smackdown Fremont is a city-wide initiative where student volunteers conduct free energy assessments for local businesses in Fremont. Students compete to see who can help the most local businesses save energy while earning prizes, informational interviews, and recognition.

The competition is now closed! Check out the results:

October 2 - November 23, 2016

Students gain skills and win prizes

During the competition, students gain professional skills through hands-on experience, boost their resume, and win prizes and scholarships from local sponsors.

Businesses learn ways to save energy

Local Fremont businesses receive custom action plans on ways to reduce energy usage, save money, and make a positive impact on the planet. And it’s completely free.

Fremont becomes a greener city

By bringing students and small businesses together, local Fremont communities become greener, more prosperous places to live, work, and play.


How Does It Work

Students from around the Fremont area are invited to sign up and get trained. After signing up, students walk through Green Impact Campaign’s virtual training platform that shows them how to conduct energy assessments using the mobile app GEMS.

Small businesses are then offered a free energy assessment from these trained students. The assessment takes roughly 20 minutes for the student to complete and provides the business owner with a custom report detailing actionable ways to save energy and money.

Tentative Schedule

Now – September 30: Students are invited to sign up for the competition and get trained

October 2 – November 23: Competition period

December 1: Winners announced

Student Prizes

The students that complete energy assessments for the most local businesses during the competition period will be awarded the following prizes.


1st place: $1,000
2nd place: $500

*Students will be competing against others across the country for the Inspire Impact Scholarship.


Top-performing students will be given the opportunity for informational interviews at regional energy and sustainability firms in the Fremont area


All students that complete assessments will be given credit for service hours and receive a GIC Certified Volunteer certificate


Sign up to participate in Kilowatt Smackdown and conduct energy assessments for local businesses

Small Businesses

Register to receive a free energy assessment from a trained student and learn ways to save energy


Green Impact Campaign (GIC) is on a mission to reduce the environmental impact of small business while better equipping the next generation of climate leaders. We provide university students across the country with cloud-based tools and training to go out and conduct free energy assessments for local, small businesses in their community. Small businesses receive the custom, actionable information they need to make their business more energy efficiency and profitable. While student volunteers receive professional skills through hands-on experience for future impact careers.

Kilowatt Smackdown is our regional competition series where we select one community, town, or city to focus on. We work closely with local universities and partner organizations in the community to host an impactful and exciting sustainability initiative.